About Heart to Horse Connection
Heart to Horse Connection was inspired by my friendship with Can Do (pictured). In 2009, I met Can Do when she was 26 years old. She was un-rideable due to arthritic knees in both front legs and I, fortunately, didn't ride. Can Do was in retirement and enjoying life with her pasture pal, Thunder.
Since August 2009, I have come to appreciate that there are other people who want to be around horses but do not have the time, money or experience. And, on the other side of the fence, there are horses who need company. For whatever reason, horse and/or facility owners may need some help sharing the care of their four-legged equine friends.
Heart to Horse Connection was launched in 2014 which coincidently -- or maybe not -- was the "Year of the Horse" in the Chinese horoscope. From a simple desire to create connections between humans and horses. Heart to Horse Connection offers a training program for people who want to spend time with horses, develop a kinship with one who is entirely on equal turf . . . no riding is involved -- Companion Connection Training. This training program was co-created with the immeasurable assistance of Marsha Gormley and Jocelyn Grey -- read more about them on the Meet the Trainers page.
Through Heart of Horse Workshops or Companion Connection Training, horse lovers -- or those wanting to be a horse lover -- can train to become a horse companion who connects their heart to a horse who is wanting companionship.
For more information, click the link in the workshop or training program or select from the menu above.
Dawn Sadler
I've loved horses all my life. As a child I was a horse that galloped in the backyard. I first became a companion to a horse in 2009 and Can Do became one of my greatest teachers. She inspired the idea that there are other horses and humans who could benefit from a connection like the one I had with her.
In co-creating Heartful Horse Workshop and Equine Education with Jocelyn Grey and Marsha Gormley, I have learned a lot about discovering one`s potential through a connection with a horse. We have blended our various backgrounds, experience and knowledge into our Equine Education companion-in-training program.
Recently, I completed an Equine Assisted Personal Development Coach certification course. The experience affirmed for me the impact that horses have on humans. What I learned since 2009 is how much of an impact humans can have on horses.
Come connect your heart to a horse...