This page has gone wonky because of the picture below... it needs attention... otherwise, it mostly reflections on Heartful Horse Workshops that occurred in 2014.  Read on!

Creating Heart to Horse Connection

Dawn Sadler My affinity to horses goes back to when I galloped around the backyard being a horse. Later, in my teens, I rode occasionally at a stable but never actually learned to ride. Then in 2008, I hosted an Epona workshop with Helen Russell and that changed my life. In a personal-development session, I re-united with that inner child and galloped with a horse name Sienna. Once we stopped in front of the other group members, Sienna kissed me! (Picture proof on page "About Us") It remains the most ecstatic experiences of my life! After that experience, a friend introduced me to Dorothea Trip and Chilly Night Farm where I met Can Do; she was then a 26-year old mare who was gentle and kind and her patience with me has been boundless. Earlier this April, Can Do passed on to greener pastures to meet her recently departed pasture pal, Thunder. It is because of my relationship with Can Do that I believed that there must be other horses who needed company and other humans that want to connect their heart to a horse.

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Heartful Horse Workshops this summer!

Posted by Dawn Sadler on Tuesday, July 15, 2014,
As the next Heartful Horse Workshop approaches on Sunday, July 26, I reflect on the two that we've given so far.  We added another to the schedule but last Sunday's workshop was rained out, unfortunately. 
What we - Marsha Gormley, Jocelyn Grey and myself - have learned is how much the horses are engaged and open to having humans love them through the healing touch of grooming and how much the humans have learned about the language of horses and how our own energy affects the relationship wit...
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Happy hearts at Happy Mare's Day - May 10, 2014

Posted by Dawn Sadler on Saturday, May 24, 2014,
This precious picture was sent to me by the girl's mother (thanks, Mom!) and it's a perfect example of the love that begins in childhood.  It's clear that there's a special moment happening for the horse as well as the little girl.  Mom and daughter were among the other 100 or so people who came out to see a horse farm and, some people learned about Heart to Horse Connection's Heartful Horse Workshop and Equine Education. 

The horses were amazing!  Their tranquil home is usually very quiet wi...
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Welcome to Heart to Horse Connection!

Posted by Dawn Sadler on Wednesday, August 31, 2011,

Thank you for visiting Heart to Horse Connection's blog.  This is where visitors to the site can share stories and information about their experiences with the horses they are matched up with or suggestions about things that they've learned.  Perhaps a question about "what to do when?" might come up that another horse owner or companion can answer.

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Handful of heart at Heartful Horse Workshop - June 22, 2014

Above, Mandy and Elaine give Gonzo the "both sides now" spa treatment at the end of the session.  The picture reminds me of how relaxing it is to groom
a horse!  That's the gift of being a companion... living in the moment with the horse... heart in hand.   And below, Ross turns his attention to MC where he
may be learning what Winston Churchill meant when he said that "the outside of a horse is good for the insides of a man".



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